Fire Detection & Alarm System

Fire Detection

Fire Detection

Fire Detection System & Occupant Warning System are designed to discover fires early in their development when the time will still be available for the safe evacuation of occupants. Early detection also plays a tremendous role in protecting the safety of emergency response personnel. Property loss may be decreased and downtime for the operation reduced through early detection since control efforts are actually started even though the fire is still small. Many alarm systems provide info to emergency responders on the location of the fire, hastening the process of fire control.

To be helpful, the detection system must be coupled with Warning System / Alarm systems. Occupant Warning System provides notice to the building occupants and usually transmit a signal to a staffed monitoring station either on or off site. In certain instances, alarms could go straight to the fire department, though in most locations this is no longer the regular method.

Alarm System

The field of fire detection has progressed to where smoke detectors and alarm devices have been combined to become life-safety systems. The purpose of an automatic fire-alarm system is to detect a fire occurrence, alert the control panel and occupants to take action, and notify the emergency response to the personnel.

We offer our valued customers a high quality diversified range of Addressable and Conventional Fire Alarm Systems according to the types of business and space and also provide strong after sales support.

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